Newcastle Commercial Finance - Newcastle Commercial Finance
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Over 100 years of combined experience

Since 2004, Newcastle Commercial Finance has been providing market leading finance packages to clients all over Australia. With over 130 years of combined experience in the finance and banking industry and a depth of experience across a range of industries; we have the knowledge and resources to source the finance solution best suited to your needs.
Newcastle Commercial Finance currently holds accreditations with all major banks and lenders in Australia. As your partner in finance, our services range from initial consultation on your options through to submitting your application and managing the process through to settlement, as well as all post settlement requirements.
At Newcastle Commercial Finance, we have the ability to facilitate all types of commercial lending ranging from start-up sole traders through to full banking refinances and debt restructures of corporate entities. A full range of residential mortgages is also available, with a particular focus on the self-employed.
Our dedicated staff are committed to working with you and your advisors to ensure the best possible outcome for you and your business, making the experience memorable for all the right reasons every step of the way.

We care about

Speed of Delivery


Making things easier

Buying Power & Volumes

All industries & scenarios

Personal Service

Ability to facilitate all types of funding from sole trader starting up through to ASX listed corporates. Including trade finance and complete refinances and restructures, whole of banking transactions
